Dr. Arnold serves as a testifying expert witness in U.S. legal proceedings, domestic and international arbitration, and government investigations. Both plaintiffs and defendants regularly retain him to testify in finance, antitrust, intellectual property and bankruptcy disputes.
In addition to his consulting work, Dr. Arnold is the D. Gale Johnson Visiting Instructional Professor in the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics at the University of Chicago. Dr. Arnold previously served as Chief Economist for the New York State Attorney General. In that role, Dr. Arnold served as the senior policymaker on economics questions for the Attorney General, in addition to overseeing economic analysis of key matters, retaining and supervising outside expert witnesses, and integrating economic analysis with legal analysis at the Office. This work encompassed antitrust, securities, investor protection, criminal financial, labor, and environmental disputes and policy, among other matters.
Prior to his government service, Dr. Arnold spent 25 years as an economic consultant in antitrust, securities, intellectual property, bankruptcy, and other complex litigation and regulatory investigations and proceedings. Dr. Arnold received his Ph.D. with concentrations in economics/industrial organization and finance from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, where he also received his M.B.A. with a specialization in finance and a concentration in accounting. He is also a certified public accountant.
For more information contact: Laurel Van Allen
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