Laurel Van Allen

Laurel Van Allen is the President of Coherent Economics and founded its finance practice 2014.  With over 20 years of consulting, advisory and expert experience, she has expertise in financial economics and applied economics. She has addressed economic issues in a wide range of litigation and regulatory proceedings including disputed mergers & acquisitions, appraisal litigation, securities and ERISA related matters, patent disputes, breach of contract claims, antitrust claims (including price fixing and bid-rigging claims), bankruptcy related matters and complex corporate disputes.  Her expertise includes analyzing economic evidence in financial markets, valuation, financial modelling, econometrics, and damages.  She has testified at deposition and at trial in matters concerning bid-rigging claims, financial modelling, and damages.  She has served as a consulting expert in numerous matters, including criminal matters, analyzing claims concerning, among other areas, allegations of financial fraud, market manipulation, and antitrust violations.

Prior to joining Coherent Economics, Ms. Van Allen was a Vice President at Compass Lexecon. She earned a Master of Arts in economics from The University of Chicago, and a Master of Business Administration from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business with honors, where she was a recipient of the Chicago Booth 75th Anniversary Alumni Scholarship.  She is a member of the American Bar Association, American Economic Association, and the Econometric Society.  She is also a trustee on the board of the Spertus Institute.

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