Daniel Ingberman

Daniel Ingberman

Dr. Daniel Ingberman has spent more than 30 years as a faculty member teaching business, legal studies, and economics students at all levels at the Olin Business School (Washington University in St. Louis), Haas School of Business and Boalt School of Law (University of California, Berkeley) and Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania). His interests span a broad range of subject matters, including the economics of legal rules and institutions; econometrics and statistics; public economics; and industrial organization, business strategy, and competition policy.

Dr. Ingberman has substantial experience in economic consulting.  In complex litigation, plaintiffs and defendants have retained him to consult and testify in antitrust, contracts, intellectual property, and products liability matters.  Separately, he has advised on corporate transactions, joint ventures, and strategic decisions.

Dr. Ingberman was awarded the Ph.D. and M.S. in Economics from the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University, where he was a Sloan Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellow and won the Alexander Henderson Award for Excellence in Economic Theory. He has authored or co-authored more than 20 published peer-reviewed academic articles and presented his work widely.

In intellectual property disputes, Dr. Ingberman has evaluated alleged damages resulting from alleged infringement of patents, trademarks, and copyrights, as well as alleged theft or misappropriation of intellectual property. Representative retentions include: by defendant Veeva to evaluate damages for alleged misappropriation of trade secrets alleged by Medidata; by defendant Google to evaluate damages for alleged patent infringement and trade secret misappropriation alleged by plaintiff Space Data; by defendant ADT to evaluate the alleged patent infringement damages for Applied Capital Inc. vs. The ADT Corporation and ADT LLC; and by plaintiff Computer Motion to evaluate alleged patent infringement damages by defendant Intuitive Surgical, and to advise on the resulting merger of the parties.

In antitrust matters, Dr. Ingberman has evaluated market definition and power, conduct, and damages in mergers/acquisitions, monopolization, price discrimination, price fixing and market allocation, tying and exclusive dealing, patent misuse/invalidity and patent pooling, and a wide range of alleged conspiracies and cartels. Representative retentions include: by plaintiff homebuilders to evaluate the competitive effects of the defendant drywall manufacturers’ alleged price-fixing and related conduct and alleged damages; by plaintiff shareholders (alleging Mylan engaged in price-fixing and bid-rigging of generic drugs and anti-competitive pricing of EpiPen) to evaluate the competitive effects of Mylan’s conduct; and by defendant/cross-plaintiff Samsung to evaluate tying and related claims against Qualcomm, regarding licensing of SEP and other Qualcomm patents.

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